
Winter season can be challenging for your home’s plumbing, with freezing temperatures posing potential risks. To avoid issues and hefty repair costs, it’s crucial to winterize your plumbing. Here are concise and practical tips to keep your pipes in top shape during the colder months.

  1. Check for Leaks: Regularly inspect your pipes for leaks, especially in winter when even small leaks can lead to freezing and bursting. Promptly fix any issues, and consider professional assistance for hard-to-reach areas like the attic.
  2. Insulate Pipes in Unheated Areas: Protect pipes from freezing by insulating them in unheated spaces using heat tape or pipe insulation. Focus on areas like crawl spaces, attics, and garages. Don’t forget pipes under sinks or in cupboards.
  3. Open Cupboard Doors: Allow warm air to reach exposed pipes in areas like bathrooms or kitchens by opening cupboard doors, particularly those on exterior walls. Preventing freezing and bursting is crucial during colder months.
  4. Seal Air Leaks and Gaps: Maintain a consistent temperature around your plumbing system by sealing air leaks around windows, doors, and electrical outlets. This simple step helps prevent drafts and cold air from reaching your pipes.
  5. Prepare Outdoor Taps and Hoses: Avoid outdoor water-related issues by turning off taps and draining hoses to prevent freezing. Store hoses indoors until needed again, ensuring they remain in good condition
  6. Keep Your Home Warm: Maintain a temperature above freezing by setting your thermostat appropriately. Even when away, use a timer to ensure your home remains warm, preventing pipes from freezing and potential damage.
  7. Know Your Water Shut-Off Valve: In case of a plumbing emergency, know the location of your water shut-off valve. Typically found under the kitchen sink, familiarize yourself with its position to quickly turn off the water supply and minimize damage.
  8. Schedule Regular Plumbing Maintenance: Proactively address potential issues by scheduling regular plumbing maintenance. This includes boiler servicing, inspections of cold and heating pipes, and power flushing. Identifying and resolving problems early can prevent emergencies during winter. For professional plumbing services, never think twice about calling Duty Calls Plumbing. We are certified professional plumbers who are ready to take on any plumbing challenges. Reach out to us through (765) 310-1333.

Taking these steps to prepare your home’s plumbing for winter ensures a cozy and trouble-free season. Stay warm, and keep your pipes in optimal condition with these practical and easy-to-follow tips.